Controlled vocabularies provide a way to organize knowledge for subsequent retrieval.
Why vocabularies?
An introductory miniguide to vocabularies and why they are useful. -
Organization ontology
The ontology is designed to enable publication of information on organizations and organizational structures including governmental organizations. It provides a generic, reusable core ontology that can be extended or specialized for use in particular situations. -
Data Cube Vocabulary
People often think of linked data as being a way to connect descriptions of things into a graph of relationships, for example to link a school to the organization that oversees it. So how do we deal with data which is naturally presented as tables and charts, things like official statistics or environmental measurements? -
The Open Data Rights Statement Vocabulary
It is important that Open Data is clearly licensed so that consumers can understand any requirements that apply to re-use of a dataset. The rights statement vocabulary supports publishing licensing metadata in machine-readable formats -
A miniguide about the SKOS vocabulary.